I read JohnChow’s article,”Google DON’Ts” and find it is useful for seo.
There are:
1. Never Seek Quick Fixes
2. Avoid Link Farm
3. Avoid Splash Pages
4. Avoid Frames
5. Avoid Cookies
6. Avoid JavaScript when Possible
7. Avoid Search-Box Navigation
8. Avoid Redirects
9. Avoid Internal Dynamic URLs on the Home page
10. Session ID’s
11. Eliminate Pop-Up Ads
12. Eliminate Hidden / Invisible Text
Why Never Seek Quick Fixes? I do not know and I can not search any result about this on Google.The 2、3、4、5、6 items are good suggestions.
And Avoid Search-Box Navigation we can read EPORIA’s article,”SEO Best Practices Do’s and Don’ts Part 2”. We don’t let the search tool be your site’s primary method of navigation. Search engine crawlers cannot enter text into the search box to find your pages. For Pop-Up Ads I think many people hate the ads.